BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 26-12-2008
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.75% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 6,822.1 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 29%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


0.82 (0.5804%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Daylynn Gerard Paul Pinto, Ritika Behera

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to build a diversified portfolio comprising of stocks of companies with strong fundamentals that are available at reasonable valuations. The scheme can be fully into equities (and equity related securities) and upto 20% in debt & money market instruments.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
26-12-2008 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
27-01-2009 9.8373 - 98373 -1.63 %
26-02-2009 9.8881 - 98881 -1.12 %
26-03-2009 10.3603 - 103603 3.6 %
27-04-2009 11.2357 - 112357 12.36 %
26-05-2009 13.0774 - 130774 30.77 %
26-06-2009 13.6762 - 136762 36.76 %
27-07-2009 14.1554 - 141554 41.55 %
26-08-2009 14.7885 - 147885 47.88 %
29-09-2009 16.036 - 160360 60.36 %
26-10-2009 16.4431 - 164431 64.43 %
26-11-2009 16.5294 - 165294 65.29 %
29-12-2009 17.026 - 170260 70.26 %
27-01-2010 16.4894 - 164894 64.89 %
26-02-2010 16.8471 - 168471 68.47 %
26-03-2010 18.092 - 180920 80.92 %
26-04-2010 18.8637 - 188637 88.64 %
26-05-2010 17.2201 - 172201 72.2 %
28-06-2010 18.4678 - 184678 84.68 %
26-07-2010 19.3516 - 193516 93.52 %
26-08-2010 19.6014 - 196014 96.01 %
27-09-2010 20.9922 - 209922 109.92 %
26-10-2010 22.335 - 223350 123.35 %
26-11-2010 20.5684 - 205684 105.68 %
27-12-2010 20.8053 - 208053 108.05 %
27-01-2011 19.6965 - 196965 96.97 %
28-02-2011 18.499 - 184990 84.99 %
28-03-2011 19.399 - 193990 93.99 %
26-04-2011 20.4543 - 204543 104.54 %
26-05-2011 18.8226 - 188226 88.23 %
27-06-2011 19.2288 - 192288 92.29 %
26-07-2011 19.7434 - 197434 97.43 %
26-08-2011 16.9573 - 169573 69.57 %
26-09-2011 17.8625 - 178625 78.62 %
28-10-2011 19.1303 - 191303 91.3 %
28-11-2011 17.3739 - 173739 73.74 %
26-12-2011 16.5856 - 165856 65.86 %
27-01-2012 18.0923 - 180923 80.92 %
27-02-2012 18.336 - 183360 83.36 %
26-03-2012 18.3849 - 183849 83.85 %
26-04-2012 18.393 - 183930 83.93 %
28-05-2012 17.6022 - 176022 76.02 %
26-06-2012 18.2431 - 182431 82.43 %
26-07-2012 18.4812 - 184812 84.81 %
27-08-2012 19.399 - 193990 93.99 %
26-09-2012 20.507 - 205070 105.07 %
26-10-2012 20.6885 - 206885 106.89 %
26-11-2012 21.3438 - 213438 113.44 %
26-12-2012 22.1588 - 221588 121.59 %
28-01-2013 22.5755 - 225755 125.75 %
26-02-2013 21.4017 - 214017 114.02 %
26-03-2013 20.7005 - 207005 107.0 %
26-04-2013 21.4838 - 214838 114.84 %
27-05-2013 21.9515 - 219515 119.51 %
26-06-2013 20.3877 - 203877 103.88 %
26-07-2013 21.6804 - 216804 116.8 %
26-08-2013 20.3668 - 203668 103.67 %
26-09-2013 21.6294 - 216294 116.29 %
28-10-2013 23.0532 - 230532 130.53 %
26-11-2013 23.7448 - 237448 137.45 %
26-12-2013 25.2719 - 252719 152.72 %
27-01-2014 24.1072 - 241072 141.07 %
26-02-2014 24.7123 - 247123 147.12 %
26-03-2014 25.5385 - 255385 155.38 %
28-04-2014 26.4777 - 264777 164.78 %
26-05-2014 28.6081 - 286081 186.08 %
26-06-2014 30.1724 - 301724 201.72 %
28-07-2014 31.5629 - 315629 215.63 %
26-08-2014 32.4883 - 324883 224.88 %
26-09-2014 33.4371 - 334371 234.37 %
27-10-2014 33.1527 - 331527 231.53 %
26-11-2014 35.4875 - 354875 254.88 %
26-12-2014 35.3623 - 353623 253.62 %
27-01-2015 38.8474 - 388474 288.47 %
26-02-2015 38.7933 - 387933 287.93 %
26-03-2015 39.3849 - 393849 293.85 %
27-04-2015 38.3271 - 383271 283.27 %
26-05-2015 40.0908 - 400908 300.91 %
26-06-2015 40.7356 - 407356 307.36 %
27-07-2015 40.5416 - 405416 305.42 %
26-08-2015 38.3071 - 383071 283.07 %
28-09-2015 37.5764 - 375764 275.76 %
26-10-2015 38.2274 - 382274 282.27 %
26-11-2015 37.6865 - 376865 276.87 %
28-12-2015 38.44 - 384400 284.4 %
27-01-2016 35.7727 - 357727 257.73 %
26-02-2016 32.5696 - 325696 225.7 %
28-03-2016 35.4844 - 354844 254.84 %
26-04-2016 37.4222 - 374222 274.22 %
26-05-2016 37.8113 - 378113 278.11 %
27-06-2016 38.2943 - 382943 282.94 %
26-07-2016 40.5594 - 405594 305.59 %
26-08-2016 41.2806 - 412806 312.81 %
26-09-2016 42.0631 - 420631 320.63 %
26-10-2016 42.8218 - 428218 328.22 %
28-11-2016 39.2917 - 392917 292.92 %
26-12-2016 37.3933 - 373933 273.93 %
27-01-2017 42.0785 - 420785 320.79 %
27-02-2017 43.5396 - 435396 335.4 %
27-03-2017 44.7272 - 447272 347.27 %
26-04-2017 47.8983 - 478983 378.98 %
26-05-2017 49.1305 - 491305 391.31 %
27-06-2017 48.9371 - 489371 389.37 %
26-07-2017 51.9554 - 519554 419.55 %
28-08-2017 52.3672 - 523672 423.67 %
26-09-2017 53.0686 - 530686 430.69 %
26-10-2017 54.8963 - 548963 448.96 %
27-11-2017 57.3219 - 573219 473.22 %
26-12-2017 59.4968 - 594968 494.97 %
29-01-2018 60.888 - 608880 508.88 %
26-02-2018 58.4113 - 584113 484.11 %
26-03-2018 55.9133 - 559133 459.13 %
26-04-2018 59.3265 - 593265 493.26 %
28-05-2018 58.4942 - 584942 484.94 %
26-06-2018 56.2524 - 562524 462.52 %
26-07-2018 56.3 - 563000 463.0 %
27-08-2018 58.65 - 586500 486.5 %
26-09-2018 55.2 - 552000 452.0 %
26-10-2018 50.15 - 501500 401.5 %
26-11-2018 52.97 - 529700 429.7 %
26-12-2018 53.27 - 532700 432.7 %
28-01-2019 51.02 - 510200 410.2 %
26-02-2019 51.39 - 513900 413.9 %
26-03-2019 55.65 - 556500 456.5 %
26-04-2019 56.56 - 565600 465.6 %
27-05-2019 58.11 - 581100 481.1 %
26-06-2019 56.92 - 569200 469.2 %
26-07-2019 53.02 - 530200 430.2 %
26-08-2019 50.67 - 506700 406.7 %
26-09-2019 54.24 - 542400 442.4 %
29-10-2019 53.78 - 537800 437.8 %
26-11-2019 54.77 - 547700 447.7 %
26-12-2019 54.46 - 544600 444.6 %
27-01-2020 56.87 - 568700 468.7 %
26-02-2020 55.04 - 550400 450.4 %
26-03-2020 37.32 - 373200 273.2 %
27-04-2020 41.83 - 418300 318.3 %
26-05-2020 40.74 - 407400 307.4 %
26-06-2020 47.5 - 475000 375.0 %
27-07-2020 49.5 - 495000 395.0 %
26-08-2020 54.9 - 549000 449.0 %
28-09-2020 53.63 - 536300 436.3 %
26-10-2020 54.33 - 543300 443.3 %
26-11-2020 60.15 - 601500 501.5 %
28-12-2020 64.94 - 649400 549.4 %
27-01-2021 67.06 - 670600 570.6 %
26-02-2021 74.27 - 742700 642.7 %
26-03-2021 73.58 - 735800 635.8 %
26-04-2021 75.79 - 757900 657.9 %
26-05-2021 82.51 - 825100 725.1 %
28-06-2021 85.93 - 859300 759.3 %
26-07-2021 88.07 - 880700 780.7 %
26-08-2021 87.66 - 876600 776.6 %
27-09-2021 95.21 - 952100 852.1 %
26-10-2021 99.56 - 995600 895.6 %
26-11-2021 93.45 - 934500 834.5 %
27-12-2021 95.38 - 953800 853.8 %
27-01-2022 96.09 - 960900 860.9 %
28-02-2022 93.07 - 930700 830.7 %
28-03-2022 96.26 - 962600 862.6 %
26-04-2022 98.29 - 982900 882.9 %
26-05-2022 89.31 - 893100 793.1 %
27-06-2022 87.92 - 879200 779.2 %
26-07-2022 93.06 - 930600 830.6 %
26-08-2022 98.319 - 983190 883.19 %
26-09-2022 96.291 - 962910 862.91 %
27-10-2022 100.958 - 1009580 909.58 %
28-11-2022 103.249 - 1032490 932.49 %
26-12-2022 99.957 - 999570 899.57 %
27-01-2023 98.588 - 985880 885.88 %
27-02-2023 98.211 - 982110 882.11 %
27-03-2023 96.486 - 964860 864.86 %
26-04-2023 100.538 - 1005380 905.38 %
26-05-2023 106.313 - 1063130 963.13 %
26-06-2023 109.682 - 1096820 996.82 %
26-07-2023 116.265 - 1162650 1062.65 %
28-08-2023 117.254 - 1172540 1072.54 %
26-09-2023 119.03 - 1190300 1090.3 %
26-10-2023 114.59 - 1145900 1045.9 %
28-11-2023 121.388 - 1213880 1113.88 %
26-12-2023 128.277 - 1282770 1182.77 %
29-01-2024 132.68 - 1326800 1226.8 %
26-02-2024 136.823 - 1368230 1268.23 %
26-03-2024 136.21 - 1362100 1262.1 %
26-04-2024 140.143 - 1401430 1301.43 %
27-05-2024 142.897 - 1428970 1328.97 %
26-06-2024 149.296 - 1492960 1392.96 %
26-07-2024 155.626 - 1556260 1456.26 %
26-08-2024 156.743 - 1567430 1467.43 %
26-09-2024 162.709 - 1627090 1527.09 %
28-10-2024 149.899 - 1498990 1398.99 %
26-11-2024 149.205 - 1492050 1392.05 %
26-12-2024 147.54 - 1475400 1375.4 %
14-01-2025 141.787 - 1417870 1317.87 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 12.32 0.6 0.19 0.92 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 26-12-2008 6.98 17.95 11.24 20.13 14.41
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of BANDHAN ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


